Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.
-Mark Twain

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Attack of the Weevil

Fear was ripe in the classroom last Thursday night when we were attacked by a 4-inch long weevil. (I measured it. You know I did.) Here’s the story from the Weevil’s point of view.

It was late. The good and hard working students of the UM Flint Global Program were working studiously on their homework in the classroom. Weevil knew this was the moment. He spread his abnormally long majestic weevil wings and took flight. His first target, a row of unsuspecting students on the windowless side of the classroom: woosh, swoop, woosh! Then he saw it. The whole reason he entered this sweltering room – the golden glow of the fluorescent light above was all he wanted. He flung himself toward the promise of its warm glow – thunk! He hit its hard plastic. No! He hit the hard plastic again, and again only to anger the golden glowing god who punishes Weevil by swiftly relinquishing his bright inspiration and instantly depressing poor Weevil. Blinded by his grief, Weevil flies frantically around the room. His frenzied flight finally leads him to rest upon a shoe in the corner. Then out of nowhere an angel of mercy carries the poor, defeated Weevil out of certain death. Her swift and gentle hands brought him back home to the cool grasslands of the John Knox Center where Weevil could sulk… and begin planning his next attack…

More thoughts and stories later. I thought you all might enjoy this one.


PS I was the angel of mercy :)

1 comment:

JH said...

That's not a bug - that's a small alien child.