Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.
-Mark Twain

Friday, July 24, 2009


My first week in Geneva (pronounced Genève locally) has been wonderful!

My days consist basically of morning class from 8:30 until 12:00 where I've been learning some programming (Ruby on Rails), basic video design and production, and playing games. In the afternoon, from 1:00 until 5:00, we've generally heard someone speak from an organization (Non-Government Organization or NGO) that is doing some sort of work that is genuinely attempting to help improve the world in which we live. The reason we're spending the time to listen to the people from these groups is because eventually we (the students in the program) will be designing/coming up with an educational program in partnership with one of these groups to help build awareness etc... It's been really inspiring to hear about the work these groups are doing. I'm still trying to work out what exactly I will do for my project, but I think I'm closer than I was on Monday. In the evenings all of us work on our homework in the "salle" or classroom and we eat together (including the instructors and their families) either at John Knox (the place we're staying) or downtown.

This experience is unlike anything I would have imagined it to be. I talk to my professors regularly. They are instantly there to support, listen and hang out. Unlike a traditional post-undergrad program, I see my classmates all the time everywhere. We are immersed in the program. It's great because, a lot like undergrad, we don't have the distractions of living outside of school. It feels unreal that I could be a part of something this incredible.

This has been awesome so far... I can't wait for the next two weeks!


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