Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.
-Mark Twain

Monday, July 13, 2009

Minneapolis/St. Paul

And the winner is... DWIGHT!

I know a lot of people were pulling for "the monkey," but it came down to a tie breaker between the two front runners. I made an emergency tie-breaker post on Facebook asking people to vote (while I was packing) in order to break the tie. The votes that were posted in the time allotted were overwhelmingly in favor of Dwight... although I'm not sure what it says that the Dwight voters were actually online to read that within the hour I posted it! ;)

I finally made it to the Twin Cities last night just before midnight. Today I put my car to bed at my aunt and uncle's house in Stillwater, and I won't see it again until August. I was a little sad to say good-bye, but I didn't mind riding in my sister's stylish BMW in the mean time. :)

I'm staying with my sister, Lisa, in the Twin Cities until I leave tomorrow. I hung out with her and her kids today. The picture to the left is my niece, Natalie, and my nephew, Owen, posing with Dwight. Owen didn't understand why I brought the bobble head with me and Natalie explained to him, "he's from a movie that Kira and Mommy and Daddy really like called The Office." (There was a definite hint of an older sibling's disdain for the younger sibling's cluelessness!) Natalie, I think, felt I had obvious reasons for bringing the awkward looking bobble head on my trip, but Owen still didn't get it.

Later in the evening Lisa and I went to a local spot in Plymouth and enjoyed some margaritas. I actually wrote a haiku for the occasion:

Blissful Midwest eve
Margaritas with my sis
Why am I leaving?

Tomorrow the journey really "takes off!" I'll be in Dallas this time tomorrow!

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