Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.
-Mark Twain

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

My first thoughts on Geneva...

Yes! I am in Geneva!

I got here on Sunday night and was immediately greeted with helpful friendly people who turned out to be my fellow classmates and professors. When I arrived, a lot of the other students had left for dinner in Old Town, so I was invited to eat with one of my professors and his family. They made a wonderful meal which we ate outside overlooking the peaceful, beautiful view of a hay field backdropped by the mountains. When I saw this the first time, my jaw dropped. (Seriously… someone commented on my wide open mouth.) I’m hoping that I will never feel apathetic toward this place. It is beautiful visually, climate-wise and culture-wise. I think I could live here for a very long time. (What you see in the photo is what I get to look at every day on my way to class, during breaks, during lunch, during supper... this is the view from where I am staying and the picture really doesn't do the view the justice.)

I would like to write more because I have lots of thoughts to share, but I’ve put off writing for too long already. I’m better off posting this than nothing!

I hope all of you are well! I hope you all got the chance to enjoy a little bit of Jazz Fest and the beautiful weather you were having!


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