Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.
-Mark Twain

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Almost time...

3 days. I leave in 3 days.

I'm feeling completely unprepared for my Trans-American/Atlantic travels! So... in preparing for my trip I'd like you to help choose one unique item I will take with me while I'm gone. Vote in the poll in the blue box on the right side of the page, and tell me which item to bring! My plan is to pack the item, and then take photos of that item in the different places I go. I leave on Sunday so get to voting!

Speaking of the places I'm going, here's a rundown of my trip:

- Sunday, July 12-Tuesday, July 14: Minneapolis/St. Paul
- Tuesday, July 14-Saturday, July 18: Dallas, TX
- Saturday, July 18: Pitstop in Minneapolis to get on my international flight!
- Sunday, July 19-Saturday, August 8: Geneva
- Sunday, August 9: Minneapolis and then drive to Sioux Falls!

I will be blogging while I'm gone as a way to stay in touch. So stop back and check out the entries...leave a comment too! (It will be good to hear from you!) If you want, there's even a box on the right side of the page where you can subscribe to the blog. (That way you'll know when there's a new entry!)

I hope you'll stay and touch and don't forget to vote!

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