Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.
-Mark Twain

Thursday, July 07, 2005

To all those Fred and Ginger wannabes...

Have you seen the summer hit "Dancing with the Stars" on ABC?

Well, I hate to say it, but Christi (my roommate) and I got totally sucked in tonight during the grand finale of the series. When I sit down and think about it, it's really quite sad what we sat (or at least kinda sat) and watched for 2 hours.

I can just imagine the guy who came up with the idea giving his pitch. He's clearly the coolest guy at ABC with pictures of Pocahontas, Hillary Duff, and Ty from Extreme House Makeover on the walls of his cubicle, and he gives his big proposal to some ABC exec saying, "OK, so you have these 'stars'-you know people who you recognize but you have no idea why-like the Mr. Piederman guy from Seinfeld, he'd be perfect! Anyway, so you have cheap talent, and then you have them dance with professional dancers in a competition! But not just any dance competition. This is the best part! You have them compete in a ballroom dancing competition. It's perfect! No one wants to watch these 'stars' and who actually watches ballroom dancing competitions!"

...And that was all it took for some important person at ABC to be convinced.

In the end of it all, if you can imagine it, by the finale my roommate and I had put on our heels, slipped into some skirts and were spinning our way around the dining room.

More than anything I think I am ashamed. Ashamed of the fact that I was excited that Kelly and Alec won the competition.

If you're a closet watcher. There's help out there.. you're not alone. Here's the website

1 comment:

Katherine Von Bora said...

Still your roommate in spirit, if not in presence, I was also sucked into the drama of the dancing last night. I am not too ashamed to admit I enjoyed it thoroughly!