Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.
-Mark Twain

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Couch vs. Bed

As I'm preparing to move into a new place, I'm discovering although I have a lot of stuff I don't have a lot of substantial stuff. I have a dresser, TV, DVD player, stereo, desk, and a bed. The latter being one of significant hand-me-down status. I'm pretty sure the mattress itself is not from this century nor the frame it resides on that is constantly coming apart. I have no headboard or footboard so my pillows often disappear sliding down the wall out from under my head so that I am awoken to a depressingly familiar pool of drool where my cheek has been bathing for hours. Yes, I'm not afraid to admit it, I'm a drooler... but that's not the point here.

I can't remember the last time I slept on a bed that I found to be comfortable... I never thought I would find comfort in slumber until one day I discovered it.. The couch. I sincerely prefer a good night's rest on a comfy couch any day over the twin bed in my room. Every roommate I've had since I discovered this miracle in sleeping accomodations will atest to the fact that I indeed will be found more often sleeping on a couch than in my bed.

I fight it.. I really do.. despite what roommates may think/have thought. It's a little embarassing because, well.. I'm a drooler and I sometimes snore. Ugh.. although these people are my friends and they understand that that's just me.. still.. I don't need to throw in their faces that they're living with a couch sleeping snore drooler!

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