Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.
-Mark Twain

Friday, July 29, 2005

I am procrastinating.

I strongly dislike packing!!!!!!!

Yuck!! I'm taking a little break from the whole in-the-process-of-packing choatic mess that is my bedroom to vent. It's amazing how many little things must be finished before one can move. It is for those little reasons that I am drastically behind in my packing schedule.. well, that and I'm really good at putting things off. I think it's not just the packing I dislike, but it's the thought of it... and not only that, but then I think of having to clean the last 4 rooms of my house, and I get overwhelmed and wonder when I'm possibly going to finish it all!

OK.. I feel better now. Back to packing.

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