Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.
-Mark Twain

Monday, July 04, 2005

The dark ages of telecommunications...

I have to admit somthing right off the bat here. I am terrible at calling/keeping in touch like normal people do. I don't call my parents as often as I should and want to, nor do I call my siblings or friends the way I should. I kind of just get caught up in what I'm doing and my good intentions to make contact always seem to escape me by the time I get to the bullet point on my mental to-do list that says "call (insert name here)."

Since returning home to the big beautiful skies of South Dakota, I have been hearing a recurring phrase. Everyone from my family to my friends.. even my students have said the same thing to me. And when they utter those 6 predictable words I can see the looming dark cloud spread over my hours spent reading books at Barnes and Noble, evenings spent watching a movie, afternoons having coffee with a friend, and singing with the radio as I'm driving in my car... I think you all know what phrase I am talking about.

You should get a cell phone.

Don't get me wrong, I can see the value in a cell phone. If you get lost, if you're late for an appointment/meeting/gathering, If you're out with friends and you want some other friends to join you. It's brilliant.. it really is... Still, I feel like the glittering luxury of a cell phone is more than I need.

There are several reasons that have convinced me to stay on the dark side.. you know the dark ages where people phoned others from home, not the drive thru at Burger King. So, for now I'm sticking to the land line where I can enjoy a cup of coffee without being interrupted by my phone serranading me with its digital rendition of "A Thing Called Love" by The Darkness.

Since I will be moving into a new place by myself in a month, I am in an excellent position to get a cell phone and nix the land line. As of right now, I have no plans to get a cell. I couldn't tell you anything about cell plans, pay as you go deals, or all the different phones out there.

I'm interested in what you think.. leave your comments and we'll see what I decide to do.

Happy 4th of July!!

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