Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.
-Mark Twain

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Moving-a new haiku...

Yes, that's right. All over the country there are people packing their books, sweaters, and dishes into boxes. People, laboring over whether or not that kinda crappy yet decent piece they made in ceramics Senior year is really worth wrapping in an old shirt and packing in yet another anonymous box. Well.. I've decided it's not worth it.

I have been lazy with my packing in past years. Instead of making a choice between whether to keep or pitch, I would just choose to "figure it out later".. which in fact is actually a choice. You've decided to keep it. Although, I would argue that if you decided to just "figure it out later" you should just throw'll never figure it out later. I discovered this tip watching one of my sister's favorite shows-"Clean Sweep." It's a show where messy pack rats are forced to throw away their junk and organize! The amount of junk these people end up selling or throwing away is incredible, so I'm certain there must be must junk waiting to be thrown in my room.

I'm not the only one moving out, either. My roommate, Christi, is moving out as well, and we've both been lacking in moving motivation. So, we have been having a little competition with each other since Sunday. Who can pack more each day? We're never home at the same time, so when I get home and I see a new huge stack of boxes.. I'm bustin' a move to my room so I have something to show for a days work. It's certainly been helpful-although I will say she is definitely winning. I mean, I'm doing this right now instead of packing! In fact, I should probably get back to work. I will close with a haiku.

New apartment-joy!
Just me and my dishwasher
Must pack first. . .(sigh). . . ugh.

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