Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.
-Mark Twain

Monday, August 01, 2005

Alexander Graham who?

I was watching 60 minutes last night and Andy Rooney did a piece on inventions that have really changed our world. For instance the telephone, and in even more recent history, the celluar telephone.

Since I have been and will still be out of telephone service until Thursday, his diatribe was especially irritating. He went on and on about how cell phones have changed how we work and communicate with others. He goes on to describe all the different places and ways we use phones. All the while I'm getting more and more annoyed because I can't even use one in my own home right now!!

But it's OK. I will get phone service on Thursday, and in the mean time I will be creative in finding ways to communicate with my family and friends until then.

And before you say it, no. This has not changed my mind about getting a cell phone. I will stick to the dark ages of communication... circa 1985.

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