Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.
-Mark Twain

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

The demise of the dark age

As you may have noticed, I've blogged on more than one occasion about the frivlous accessory called the cell phone. I touted my life in the dark age of land lines and good old answering machines, but I am no longer among the disconnected community. As of a couple weeks ago, I got a cell phone (25 minutes before my friend's wedding was going to start!)

I lost the battle for a few reasons. One of the big ones being that I got lost in rural South Dakota just a few days prior, and I didn't hear the end of it from my relatives.

The funny part has been everyone's reaction. Here is a sample of the responses:

"What? You're joking!"

"Finally! Gosh, I thought you were never going to get one."

"That's nice. What's your number?"

"Ha ha ha.. you finally broke down, huh?"

"No way! I'm so excited! Now we will actually be able to get ahold of you!"

"No. I don't believe you. You're lying. No way, you did not get a cell phone. I won't believe you until I see it. Then, maybe I'll believe you."

The last one was my favorite. She seriously didn't believe me, and then when I showed her she was still skeptical. hehe!

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