Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.
-Mark Twain

Friday, August 05, 2005

I love my new apartment!

I love my new apartment!!

The process of unpacking is way more appealing to me than packing. So, since I finished the whole pack-everything-and-clean part of moving, I've been enjoying the unpack and decorate part the last few days. My mom unpacked the kitchen for me which was super helpful, I finished the bathroom, and I am basically done with the living room. I'm really pleased with the way everything has turned out. Although it's kind of a bummer to be living alone, I think there will be some definite pluses. No compromising. Everything goes the way I want it to and it's my stuff. Any dishes, and garbage floating around-it's mine and I need to take care of it. (I'm hoping this will help me keep things cleaner!) And now I have a phone line, internet connection, and cable. I'm finally reconnected!

Next on my list: unpack my bedroom!

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