Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.
-Mark Twain

Sunday, July 18, 2010


Since Dwight lost his head, I thought I would do the same in a symbolic way - take part in dangerous hijinks in a canyon in the Alps!

We went Canyoning on Saturday in Interlaken, Switzerland. This town is your picturesque Swiss town looking exactly the way you'd expect a Swiss town to look. The architecture, the random cows walking through the streets with huge cowbells on their necks and of course the mountains! Even though this is my 3rd time in Switzerland it was my first time getting up close and personal with the Alps.

If Dwight hadn't already lost his head, he would have on this trip! We rapelled down a 150-foot cliff face, jumped off several cliffs including a 30-foot high drop, slid down several rock faces, and took a zip line into a river pool of water that, being glacial water, was very chilly!!

It was intense but so much fun!

A bonus to the trip was that Sarah, Emily and I were in a smaller group with 3 siblings, Christina, Thomas and Alex, that we had gotten to know the night before at the hostel. They are an adventure sports family and were kicking my butt the entire canyoning trip - but then again who wouldn't be able to???

Check out the photos.. My helmet says "Shocker" mwahahaha!

Canyoning Haiku:
30-foot drop? Yes!
Sharp rocks, flowing water? Yes!!
Bruising? Butt of course!!!

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