Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.
-Mark Twain

Monday, July 26, 2010

What I've learned about Danes...

I spent this weekend getting back to my roots - my Danish roots that is. I flew into Copenhagen on Friday evening and flew back on Sunday night. These are a few of my observations about the Danes, my ancestors from whence I come, that I gathered this weekend:

1. All Danes are beautiful. Even their "dog form" Great Danes are beautiful. Thus my point.

2. Danes love bikes. They have pictures of bikes all over Copenhagen. There are pictures of bikes on signs, pictures of bikes on the streets, and pictures of bikes that light up on traffic signals. Bikes. are. everywhere. Like I said, Danes love bikes.

3. A Dane must have started the convenience store 7-11 because there are as many 7-11s in Copenhagen as there are Starbucks in Seattle. Yeah.. it's a lot.

4. And since Carlsberg, THE Danish beer, claims to be "probably the best beer in the world," I therefore must assume that it is brewed by probably the best people in the world. The Danes.

All in all, we had a really good weekend... we even trained it over to Sweden for Saturday night! Because.. you know... why not?!?

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