Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.
-Mark Twain

Thursday, July 15, 2010

And the travels begin!

I had a classic airport moment today.. or yesterday, I guess.

Please take a moment to picture me, my backpack, my purse and Dwight running from one side of the Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport (MSP) to the other in a frantic attempt to make the connecting flight to Amsterdam. (Are you picturing this??)

As I come running around the corner at my gate - in full sprint - I trip over my own feet and fall.. total spread eagle on the floor. Awesome. Then the flight attendant started yelling at me to run, pull out my boarding pass and my passport and get on the plane so I wouldn't miss it. They closed the door to the plane a minute later.

However, I feel like this victorious moment was not quite the beautiful and glorious victory it could have been. I won the most important battle, getting on the plane, however my totally sweaty look was not attractive nor comfortable and the whooping cough I got from the dead sprint through the Caribou Coffee country of MSP made me the most hated woman on the plane.

Classic. It's like I was in a movie or something (with Tina Fey playing me!)

Classic Airport Moment Haiku:
Busy airport halls
She runs like a maimed gazelle
And falls like a goat.

1 comment:

lpole2 said...

This is beautiful, Kira...the picture of you sprawled on the floor like a maimed goat is priceless