Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.
-Mark Twain

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Dwight K. Schrute - Bobblehead and travel companion

Dwight K. Schrute of Scranton, Pennsylvania lost his head on Friday July 16th while roaming the streets of Interloken, Switzerland.

While Dwight wanted us all to know that he spent his time selling paper for Dunder Mifflin and working on the beet farm with his cousin Mose, he also spent time traveling.

Since 2006 when Dwight left his position as a volunteer sheriff's department deputy, he has spent his time keeping the citizens of the world safe. In his words, "My talents were wasted in Scranton. I like to protect those abroad because that's where real crime can be found." He got his wish. Dwight was found in two pieces in his current protectee's purse, Kira Christensen. Dwight was last seen alive giving a karate demonstration to the hot-tempered Jolly Green Giant.

Regluing will take place in Geneva, Switzerland at the John Knox Center as soon as some glue can be found.

Any comments you'd like to leave for Dwight won't be noticed or appreciated by him, but you are welcome to do so anyway.


Unknown said...

This was no accident. This was obviously a gangland hit. The gruesome nature of the crime suggests someone had it out for Dwight.

Anonymous said...

I wish him a speedy recovery.