Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.
-Mark Twain

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Dwight - Redux!

Hey all!

It's that time of year again... yes... it's time for Switzerland!! (insert groan that is as long as necessary depending on the number of times you've heard me mention this!)

After reading an entertaining (for South Dakotans anyway) article online on what distinguishing characteristics make us South Dakotans, I had an interesting idea. It's true! We South Dakotans do know our South Dakota trivial facts and we are proud, even anxious, to graciously gift you with our knowledge of anything that might connect the certain situation, person, joke, story, smell, sight, sound or awkward moment to something "South Dakota!"

Despite our passion, I still don't think people get it. (Or maybe it's the wind.)

So I thought I might appeal to a different sensibility. Since most of my cohort classmates (OK let's be honest, none of them) will ever make it out to South Dakota, let alone Sioux Falls, I thought I would bring the beauty of Sioux Falls to them... Dwight-style.

This is Part 1 of "Dwight around town" where Dwight visits some of my favorite spots in Sioux Falls. To all those native SuFu people, let me know what I missed and I will go take pics! Please do so quickly, though, because I leave on Wednesday.


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