Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.
-Mark Twain

Friday, July 31, 2009

Hungry? This is where I eat lunch...

I thought you might like to see my "campus" here in Geneva and where I eat lunch... since lunch is the best class of the day! :)

Or maybe there's another reason lunch is the best part of the day...

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Dwightgate: Day 3

As I’ve told you before. Dwight has been kidnapped. Below you can see the media I’ve received as “proof” he’s OK and basically floating somewhere among my fellow cohort members. My investigatory skills have led me to discover some important information about one of the people involved.

More later...

Geneva - it's more than just the landscape

We’ve been really fortunate.

I’m not just saying that because I get to hang out in Geneva, Switzerland and stare out at some of the most beautiful landscape I’ve gotten the chance to gaze upon in my life. I’m talking about all of the people we’ve heard from the last week and a half. Leaders of all sorts of NGOs have come to talk with us, brainstorm with us and listen to us – about how to help affect some positive change in the world. This is pretty cool since a NGO is sort of like a non-profit organization working to better the world. Why are we in Geneva to listen to them? Since the UN Office in Geneva works with human rights, a lot of the NGOs are based here. This is important because what makes an NGO so special is that they have special permission to present documents (in a sense “lobby”) to the UN. So, it’s fairly powerful that we get to meet with these groups.

This program is pretty unique. I will hopefully finish the program completing a project for my Masters that will have made a difference in some small way, and without explaining what my project is right now, let me just say it’s going to be pretty awesome.

All my best to you! I hope you find my updates informational (sometimes) and characteristically “Kira-esque” (all the time) :)


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

So... Geneva? Why Geneva?

People have been asking me what I am doing in Geneva. Some of what I'm doing in class is easy to explain and some of it is hard, so I will try:

1) We're learning Ruby on Rails which is a web design programming language that we will use in the design of our projects during the next year.

2) Digital video. We've made a couple videos, but we haven't spent as much time on this as we have on #1 and #3.

Speaking of #3...

3) This is the big one. This is the time we spend researching and listening to people who are working on some sort of project that is trying to improve conditions in the world. My final project will have something to do with this Project conceptualizing/speakers/collaboration - this is a lot of why we are here in Geneva. We've spent time hearing from all sorts of people working to change the world for the better in their own ways. We've heard from a man from the UNA in Congo who is working to improve the lives of people in the Congo (trying to prevent malaria by getting people mosquito nets, for example), we heard from the Director of Projects at WFUNA (World Federation of United Nations Associations), the ILO (International Labor Organization), the Loi Gai Project (this refers to people in prisons in China... there are some really horrible things happening there), tomorrow we will hear from the International Red Cross, and we've heard from some others as well... anyway. We've spent a lot of our time here on this part, but that's because it's the hardest part. I'm not totally sure what my project is going to look like yet, but I'm getting there...

Does this clear up, ever so slightly, what I'm doing here? Basically. We're learning the skills we will need in order to use technology to educate/advocate others/students about global issues. Or maybe I'm just here to hang out in Switzerland for three weeks! :)

I hope you are all well! Let me know if you have questions..


DwightGate: Day 2

Update: Dwight has been spotted. Where he is being held, I still do not know.

I'll keep you posted.


Attack of the Weevil

Fear was ripe in the classroom last Thursday night when we were attacked by a 4-inch long weevil. (I measured it. You know I did.) Here’s the story from the Weevil’s point of view.

It was late. The good and hard working students of the UM Flint Global Program were working studiously on their homework in the classroom. Weevil knew this was the moment. He spread his abnormally long majestic weevil wings and took flight. His first target, a row of unsuspecting students on the windowless side of the classroom: woosh, swoop, woosh! Then he saw it. The whole reason he entered this sweltering room – the golden glow of the fluorescent light above was all he wanted. He flung himself toward the promise of its warm glow – thunk! He hit its hard plastic. No! He hit the hard plastic again, and again only to anger the golden glowing god who punishes Weevil by swiftly relinquishing his bright inspiration and instantly depressing poor Weevil. Blinded by his grief, Weevil flies frantically around the room. His frenzied flight finally leads him to rest upon a shoe in the corner. Then out of nowhere an angel of mercy carries the poor, defeated Weevil out of certain death. Her swift and gentle hands brought him back home to the cool grasslands of the John Knox Center where Weevil could sulk… and begin planning his next attack…

More thoughts and stories later. I thought you all might enjoy this one.


PS I was the angel of mercy :)

Monday, July 27, 2009

Where's Dwight?

Dwight is missing.

He has been kidnapped.

I've decided to treat the situation just like the U.S. government - no negotiations.

Dwight will be returned. I know that.

I will give the kidnappers no glory.

I will prevail.


That is all.


Friday, July 24, 2009


My first week in Geneva (pronounced Genève locally) has been wonderful!

My days consist basically of morning class from 8:30 until 12:00 where I've been learning some programming (Ruby on Rails), basic video design and production, and playing games. In the afternoon, from 1:00 until 5:00, we've generally heard someone speak from an organization (Non-Government Organization or NGO) that is doing some sort of work that is genuinely attempting to help improve the world in which we live. The reason we're spending the time to listen to the people from these groups is because eventually we (the students in the program) will be designing/coming up with an educational program in partnership with one of these groups to help build awareness etc... It's been really inspiring to hear about the work these groups are doing. I'm still trying to work out what exactly I will do for my project, but I think I'm closer than I was on Monday. In the evenings all of us work on our homework in the "salle" or classroom and we eat together (including the instructors and their families) either at John Knox (the place we're staying) or downtown.

This experience is unlike anything I would have imagined it to be. I talk to my professors regularly. They are instantly there to support, listen and hang out. Unlike a traditional post-undergrad program, I see my classmates all the time everywhere. We are immersed in the program. It's great because, a lot like undergrad, we don't have the distractions of living outside of school. It feels unreal that I could be a part of something this incredible.

This has been awesome so far... I can't wait for the next two weeks!


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

My first thoughts on Geneva...

Yes! I am in Geneva!

I got here on Sunday night and was immediately greeted with helpful friendly people who turned out to be my fellow classmates and professors. When I arrived, a lot of the other students had left for dinner in Old Town, so I was invited to eat with one of my professors and his family. They made a wonderful meal which we ate outside overlooking the peaceful, beautiful view of a hay field backdropped by the mountains. When I saw this the first time, my jaw dropped. (Seriously… someone commented on my wide open mouth.) I’m hoping that I will never feel apathetic toward this place. It is beautiful visually, climate-wise and culture-wise. I think I could live here for a very long time. (What you see in the photo is what I get to look at every day on my way to class, during breaks, during lunch, during supper... this is the view from where I am staying and the picture really doesn't do the view the justice.)

I would like to write more because I have lots of thoughts to share, but I’ve put off writing for too long already. I’m better off posting this than nothing!

I hope all of you are well! I hope you all got the chance to enjoy a little bit of Jazz Fest and the beautiful weather you were having!


Sunday, July 19, 2009

Amsterdam Airport

Put yourself in the dead center of the Minneapolis/St. Paul Airport. You know the spot I'm talking about. Where most of the concourses converge and you can buy just about anything that you might want when in an airport. Now, build a mental picture of the environment around you. There are people with rolling luggage rushing to make their connections, families trying to keep everyone together while the kids talk excitedly about whatever's on their mind, business people are talking on call phones making plans, etc... you get the idea. I just got off the plane in Amsterdam and I am stunned. There are so many people walking around the terminal in front of me and it is remarkably quiet. It's amazing how loud the quiet felt to me. I remember feeling this way when I'd been out of the country before, but it's different to actually experience the quiet.

I should be in Geneva in about 3 hours! I've been traveling a long time and not sleeping nearly enough. The flight over the Atlantic was very smooth, but it was impossible to sleep. I tried drinking a glass of wine, but the uncomfortable seating arrangement was the deciding factor in the battle between rest and restlessness.

It sounds like the weather in SoDak was beautiful this weekend and that Jazz Fest was great (as usual!) I’m excited for the 3 weeks ahead, but I also think of all of you back home often!

Take care… and take a moment to vote in the current poll!


Saturday, July 18, 2009

Pass the chips..

I just spent an hour hanging out at Chili's Too (not to be confused with the regular Chili's which offers 3 courses, 2 people $20) watching the Twins game and eating some chips.

I got to MSP and I was super hungry so I bellied up to the bar and got some chips a salsa. There was such an enormous amount of chips in the bowl that when a girl sat down a couiple seats from me, I shared. Then a guy sat between us and she shared with him. After that, a girl sat down next to me and the guy shared with her. Soon enough there are 4 of us chatting away enjoying our time at Chili's Too watching the Twins game.

Gotta love the Midwest.


If there were a special place in heaven for calculator nerds like me, I think someone might need to check my vital signs.

The last 4 days in Dallas were outstanding (or maybe even iNSPIRE-ing) for so many reasons. The best part about the outstanding experience I had is being able to say that I’m feeling more rejuvenated about teaching and more motivated to stretch myself pedagogically than I have in a long time. I attribute this to my colleagues and instructors at the training who were each incredibly talented, knowledgeable and intelligent. It was a bit of a scramble to get my flights worked out to make it into Geneva on time, but it was certainly worth the effort.

I’m including a couple pictures we took on the last day during presentations. I felt a little nerdy asking everyone to step in and pose with Dwight (my trusty bobble-headed companion) but they didn’t skip a beat getting into a group – thanks! (They also listened to me try and persuade them to visit Sioux Falls with patience and an open mind!)

I have one more observation worthy of noting, the hotel room. It was nice, it was big, it had a kitchen and I didn’t have to share! Several of the other teachers at the training also commented on this. For someone who works for the government, it is interesting how differently the private sector works. Maybe I’m working for the wrong people!

The last 4-5 days have been a blast! I’m en route to Minneapolis as I write this where, when I arrive I will be checking into my next flight. I leave tonight for Europe and I will arrive in Geneva by 4:45pm local time. If you were wondering, there is a 7 hour difference between the Central Time Zone and Geneva’s – although you won’t be able to call because my phone will be turned off while I’m in Europe.

Here’s a quick little calculation for you: If I left for the Dallas/Fort Worth Airport at 12:45pm and I will arrive in Geneva tomorrow at 4:45pm, how much time have I spent traveling?

Dwight just chillin' with the cool kids.

Plane Haiku

Thirty-thousand feet high
So many small puffy clouds
I’m craving a s’more

Monday, July 13, 2009

Minneapolis/St. Paul

And the winner is... DWIGHT!

I know a lot of people were pulling for "the monkey," but it came down to a tie breaker between the two front runners. I made an emergency tie-breaker post on Facebook asking people to vote (while I was packing) in order to break the tie. The votes that were posted in the time allotted were overwhelmingly in favor of Dwight... although I'm not sure what it says that the Dwight voters were actually online to read that within the hour I posted it! ;)

I finally made it to the Twin Cities last night just before midnight. Today I put my car to bed at my aunt and uncle's house in Stillwater, and I won't see it again until August. I was a little sad to say good-bye, but I didn't mind riding in my sister's stylish BMW in the mean time. :)

I'm staying with my sister, Lisa, in the Twin Cities until I leave tomorrow. I hung out with her and her kids today. The picture to the left is my niece, Natalie, and my nephew, Owen, posing with Dwight. Owen didn't understand why I brought the bobble head with me and Natalie explained to him, "he's from a movie that Kira and Mommy and Daddy really like called The Office." (There was a definite hint of an older sibling's disdain for the younger sibling's cluelessness!) Natalie, I think, felt I had obvious reasons for bringing the awkward looking bobble head on my trip, but Owen still didn't get it.

Later in the evening Lisa and I went to a local spot in Plymouth and enjoyed some margaritas. I actually wrote a haiku for the occasion:

Blissful Midwest eve
Margaritas with my sis
Why am I leaving?

Tomorrow the journey really "takes off!" I'll be in Dallas this time tomorrow!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

One day left...

I thought you all might like to see a photo of the two front runners in the poll. The picture shows the Dwight bobblehead on the left and "the monkey" on the right. Voting ends tomorrow so vote now if you haven't already!

I'd also like to introduce you to a travel tradition I picked up while traveling with the Augustana Choir back in college. Haiku. Yes, I write haiku (3 lines with the number of syllables going 5-7-5) when I travel. If you look in the archives of this blog (circa June 2005) you can find haiku that my friend Jennie and I wrote while we were backpacking in Europe.

And now for haiku..

Ah.. South Dakota!
Parting is such sweet sorrow.
OK, not really.


Thursday, July 09, 2009

Almost time...

3 days. I leave in 3 days.

I'm feeling completely unprepared for my Trans-American/Atlantic travels! So... in preparing for my trip I'd like you to help choose one unique item I will take with me while I'm gone. Vote in the poll in the blue box on the right side of the page, and tell me which item to bring! My plan is to pack the item, and then take photos of that item in the different places I go. I leave on Sunday so get to voting!

Speaking of the places I'm going, here's a rundown of my trip:

- Sunday, July 12-Tuesday, July 14: Minneapolis/St. Paul
- Tuesday, July 14-Saturday, July 18: Dallas, TX
- Saturday, July 18: Pitstop in Minneapolis to get on my international flight!
- Sunday, July 19-Saturday, August 8: Geneva
- Sunday, August 9: Minneapolis and then drive to Sioux Falls!

I will be blogging while I'm gone as a way to stay in touch. So stop back and check out the entries...leave a comment too! (It will be good to hear from you!) If you want, there's even a box on the right side of the page where you can subscribe to the blog. (That way you'll know when there's a new entry!)

I hope you'll stay and touch and don't forget to vote!