Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.
-Mark Twain

Friday, July 29, 2005

I am procrastinating.

I strongly dislike packing!!!!!!!

Yuck!! I'm taking a little break from the whole in-the-process-of-packing choatic mess that is my bedroom to vent. It's amazing how many little things must be finished before one can move. It is for those little reasons that I am drastically behind in my packing schedule.. well, that and I'm really good at putting things off. I think it's not just the packing I dislike, but it's the thought of it... and not only that, but then I think of having to clean the last 4 rooms of my house, and I get overwhelmed and wonder when I'm possibly going to finish it all!

OK.. I feel better now. Back to packing.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Moving-a new haiku...

Yes, that's right. All over the country there are people packing their books, sweaters, and dishes into boxes. People, laboring over whether or not that kinda crappy yet decent piece they made in ceramics Senior year is really worth wrapping in an old shirt and packing in yet another anonymous box. Well.. I've decided it's not worth it.

I have been lazy with my packing in past years. Instead of making a choice between whether to keep or pitch, I would just choose to "figure it out later".. which in fact is actually a choice. You've decided to keep it. Although, I would argue that if you decided to just "figure it out later" you should just throw'll never figure it out later. I discovered this tip watching one of my sister's favorite shows-"Clean Sweep." It's a show where messy pack rats are forced to throw away their junk and organize! The amount of junk these people end up selling or throwing away is incredible, so I'm certain there must be must junk waiting to be thrown in my room.

I'm not the only one moving out, either. My roommate, Christi, is moving out as well, and we've both been lacking in moving motivation. So, we have been having a little competition with each other since Sunday. Who can pack more each day? We're never home at the same time, so when I get home and I see a new huge stack of boxes.. I'm bustin' a move to my room so I have something to show for a days work. It's certainly been helpful-although I will say she is definitely winning. I mean, I'm doing this right now instead of packing! In fact, I should probably get back to work. I will close with a haiku.

New apartment-joy!
Just me and my dishwasher
Must pack first. . .(sigh). . . ugh.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Where We Were and When: The pictoral review

Follow "Where We Were and When" through a few of my pictures!

Day 1: Our journey begins at the Sioux Falls airport!

Day 1: "What are you doing here?!?" Lisa and Kira both happen to be hanging out at the Boston International Airport for the same 30 minutes!

Day 3: The "Heineken Experience" at the Brewery in Amsterdam was truly an experience! We had such a good time during this interactive tour that we left Amsterdam later than we intended!

Day 4: We finally arrive in Bunde after some "delays" to stay with friends of Jennie's grandparents. This is Frederick and Jennie posing with the Bunde tea lady in the city of Leer, which is just a few minutes from Bunde!

Day 6: Prague looking over the river at Charles Bridge. This was a beautiful city, and we really enjoyed the 3 days we spent here. We loved Prauge, but the trains through the Czech Republic were an entirely different story.. errr... actually there's more than one!

Day 10: Heidleberg, a city in Southern Germany, was a great stop. This is the spectacular view from Heidleberg Castle. We climbed all the way up to the castle on a cobblestone road. Might I add I was wearing flip flops!

Day 11: Geneva, Switzerland. By far one of our favorite stops, and probably my favorite. This is a sculpture outside the International Red Cross building. A very powerful stop. Next time I travel to Europe, it will be to Switzerland.

Day 12: Paris and the Eiffel Tower! We had a wonderful evening in Paris down by the Eiffel Tower! I always thought the Eiffel Tower wouldn't be that impressive, but it is truly magnificent in person.

Day 15: London! We stayed with my friend Kelly from high school and had a nice and relaxing time in London. We saw many sights (including Big Ben pictured to the left) and a couple museums. We even took some time to pop into a local pub in Notting Hill. It was a great end to our journey!

For those of you who couldn't see the pictures on-line, I thought I would point out a few of the highlights from the trip for you. It is great to be back, but we really had a wonderful time! I hope to see a lot of you at Jazz Fest! Check out the site for who is performing and when!

Tuesday, July 12, 2005


Apartment on the east side of Minnesota Ave in central Sioux Falls near downtown with dishwasher, washer/dryer, garage, view of park, free of mold, hopefully flood proof, and definitely squirrel proof! New resident: Me! Bonus: Living next door to Jennie!

I'll be moving into my new place at the end of July! So it's on to the tedious task of packing.. ugh! I'm so excited!! Watch for more updates of the new place and what's going on at the house before we leave!

Couch vs. Bed

As I'm preparing to move into a new place, I'm discovering although I have a lot of stuff I don't have a lot of substantial stuff. I have a dresser, TV, DVD player, stereo, desk, and a bed. The latter being one of significant hand-me-down status. I'm pretty sure the mattress itself is not from this century nor the frame it resides on that is constantly coming apart. I have no headboard or footboard so my pillows often disappear sliding down the wall out from under my head so that I am awoken to a depressingly familiar pool of drool where my cheek has been bathing for hours. Yes, I'm not afraid to admit it, I'm a drooler... but that's not the point here.

I can't remember the last time I slept on a bed that I found to be comfortable... I never thought I would find comfort in slumber until one day I discovered it.. The couch. I sincerely prefer a good night's rest on a comfy couch any day over the twin bed in my room. Every roommate I've had since I discovered this miracle in sleeping accomodations will atest to the fact that I indeed will be found more often sleeping on a couch than in my bed.

I fight it.. I really do.. despite what roommates may think/have thought. It's a little embarassing because, well.. I'm a drooler and I sometimes snore. Ugh.. although these people are my friends and they understand that that's just me.. still.. I don't need to throw in their faces that they're living with a couch sleeping snore drooler!

Monday, July 11, 2005


Apartment in central Sioux Falls (preferrably downtown or close to Patrick Henry) on east side of Minnesota Ave with a dishwasher, laundry, and off street parking. Working appliances, plumbing, and electricity a must. Apartment must be mold free, flood proof, and squirrel proof.

Doesn't sound like too much to ask, right? It really isn't, but in my price range it is! My solution is to find a 2 bedroom and live with a roommate. The only problem is, I don't have a roommate! I have a friend who can live with me a couple months, but just a couple... maybe I'll just eat ramen noodles for the next year that way I can afford to live in such an apartment as described above! Any other ideas as to how I can cut corners?? I know, I know.. stop taking trips to Europe.. besides that, though!

Anyway, I'm checking out one last apartment today and I think this one will be a goodie!

Have a good week everyone and don't forget, it's a great day to be a Viking!

Thursday, July 07, 2005

The news out of London...

For the past few days I have found myself daydreaming about being back in London. Between the Live8 concert rocking Hyde Park on Saturday and the announcement of London being the site of the 2012 Summer Olympics, I was convinced that the trip would have been even better if we'd been in London just a couple weeks later. I was really wishing I was there; that was until today.

I was reading an online blog from the UK where readers could e-mail and post their own stories of the events that unfolded and I think it really catches more of the feel for what is going on. Check it out if you're interested in some honest opinons and reactions from the people that were there.

Nightline was just on and I think they posed an interesting question. What were the aims of the terrorists that did this and were they successful? It seems to me that terrorism is always a means to a political end. With the blasts occuring during the G8 summit in Scotland, it makes you think they were trying to say something to the world. My question is how did they want the world to react? How did they want the G8 to react? With the G8's agenda heavily geared toward fighting poverty, not terrorism, were they trying to pull the focus away from the 50,000 people that are dying of starvation each day in Africa? That just doesn't make any sense.

My Dad e-mailed me earlier today with this message: "I am glad you are not in London right now!" I have to say, Dad, me too.

To all those Fred and Ginger wannabes...

Have you seen the summer hit "Dancing with the Stars" on ABC?

Well, I hate to say it, but Christi (my roommate) and I got totally sucked in tonight during the grand finale of the series. When I sit down and think about it, it's really quite sad what we sat (or at least kinda sat) and watched for 2 hours.

I can just imagine the guy who came up with the idea giving his pitch. He's clearly the coolest guy at ABC with pictures of Pocahontas, Hillary Duff, and Ty from Extreme House Makeover on the walls of his cubicle, and he gives his big proposal to some ABC exec saying, "OK, so you have these 'stars'-you know people who you recognize but you have no idea why-like the Mr. Piederman guy from Seinfeld, he'd be perfect! Anyway, so you have cheap talent, and then you have them dance with professional dancers in a competition! But not just any dance competition. This is the best part! You have them compete in a ballroom dancing competition. It's perfect! No one wants to watch these 'stars' and who actually watches ballroom dancing competitions!"

...And that was all it took for some important person at ABC to be convinced.

In the end of it all, if you can imagine it, by the finale my roommate and I had put on our heels, slipped into some skirts and were spinning our way around the dining room.

More than anything I think I am ashamed. Ashamed of the fact that I was excited that Kelly and Alec won the competition.

If you're a closet watcher. There's help out there.. you're not alone. Here's the website

Monday, July 04, 2005

Pictures from Europe: The Complete Abridged Album

Yes! That's right.. I finally found an internet connection that was working and I am completing the upload of the pictures right now. The pictures will be found in an album on KodakGallery formally known as Ofoto.

I will send an e-mail out to everyone soon, so you can browse from wherever you are! (It may be awhile since my internet has been on vacation!)

Just go to (or works too), login (if you aren't a member you need to become one I think), and then you should be able to view my pictures. Again, I will e-mail you.. BUT I can't e-mail you if I don't have your e-mail address. So, if you think I'm missing yours for some reason and you want to see the pictures, send me a quick e-mail and I'll get you set up!

Hope you're having a great 4th of July! I have clearly spent too much of it on the computer!


The dark ages of telecommunications...

I have to admit somthing right off the bat here. I am terrible at calling/keeping in touch like normal people do. I don't call my parents as often as I should and want to, nor do I call my siblings or friends the way I should. I kind of just get caught up in what I'm doing and my good intentions to make contact always seem to escape me by the time I get to the bullet point on my mental to-do list that says "call (insert name here)."

Since returning home to the big beautiful skies of South Dakota, I have been hearing a recurring phrase. Everyone from my family to my friends.. even my students have said the same thing to me. And when they utter those 6 predictable words I can see the looming dark cloud spread over my hours spent reading books at Barnes and Noble, evenings spent watching a movie, afternoons having coffee with a friend, and singing with the radio as I'm driving in my car... I think you all know what phrase I am talking about.

You should get a cell phone.

Don't get me wrong, I can see the value in a cell phone. If you get lost, if you're late for an appointment/meeting/gathering, If you're out with friends and you want some other friends to join you. It's brilliant.. it really is... Still, I feel like the glittering luxury of a cell phone is more than I need.

There are several reasons that have convinced me to stay on the dark side.. you know the dark ages where people phoned others from home, not the drive thru at Burger King. So, for now I'm sticking to the land line where I can enjoy a cup of coffee without being interrupted by my phone serranading me with its digital rendition of "A Thing Called Love" by The Darkness.

Since I will be moving into a new place by myself in a month, I am in an excellent position to get a cell phone and nix the land line. As of right now, I have no plans to get a cell. I couldn't tell you anything about cell plans, pay as you go deals, or all the different phones out there.

I'm interested in what you think.. leave your comments and we'll see what I decide to do.

Happy 4th of July!!