Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.
-Mark Twain

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

What day is it today??

As I'm sitting here at the "Blue Light Telecom" I realized that I really have no concept of what day it is today. It still feels like Tuesday.. a really long Tuesday. Then, I started reading comments on the blog and both of my parents have politely reminded me that today is, in fact, my birthday! And not just any birthday.. today I turn 23 which just happens to be my favorite prime number!

So, thank you for the birthday wishes, and Mom I believe I have celebrated my birthday in 6 countries: Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Ireland, The Netherlands, and of course the USA. (I spent my 20th birthday on a train going from Italy through Switzerland to Germany)

More to come...

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