Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.
-Mark Twain

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Did you say BMW?

Yes, that´s right! We were in Regensburg earlier today...and this city (which just happens to be the same size as Sioux Falls) just happens to be where the 3 series BMWs are made. Unfortunately there was not enought time to check it out, but I will say it is quite a sight to see 100 BMWs go by on a train!

Regensburg is a beautiful town in the Bavarian Forest. You wouldn´t believe all of the beautiful landscapes we have seen. The view out the window of the train has certainly been a highlight for me. Yes, I agree it sounds odd that looking out a window is a highlight.. but you have to understand that Jennie and I have been covering A LOT of ground and land in the last few days! There have certainly been some intresting journeys!

Right now we are in Heidelsburg on the hunt for some chocolate.. however I´m afraid we´re not giong to find it!

For now.. we are exhausted so we are hanging out at the hostel tonight.


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