Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.
-Mark Twain

Saturday, August 08, 2009

Back in the U.S. of A.!

I'm back!

Whew! What a trip! The last 4 weeks have left a huge impression on me, and I hope I can work all of my new ideas into my classes for the fall. It will be an immense amount of work, but I'm really excited about it all!

Soooo... I didn't really write any haiku while I was away. So I figured since I started my trip with a haiku, I will end it with haiku as well. Here you go:

Switzerland haiku:

La Suisse impressions
Espresso, chocolate, yogurt
Eating is my sport

Post-Switzerland haiku:

La Suisse impressions
Espresso, chocolate, yogurt
Running's my new sport


1 comment:

JH said...

I'm glad - because I have always felt (okay since I met you a couple weeks ago) that you have a runner's spirit.