Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.
-Mark Twain

Monday, August 31, 2009

The Exciting Daily Grind!

I have nothing exciting to say.

It's funny how even the mundane seems exciting when you're abroad, and how even the exciting seems mundane when you're back home. Let me illustrate what I mean by this:

Home: I was at school until 6 tonight correcting tests, and even when I think about it I get bored.
Abroad: I am still working on homework we started in July, and even when I tell other people about it they are excited to hear about it.
Winner - Abroad.

Eating Lunch
Home: A sandwich, some yogurt, and a beautiful view of my desk while correcting papers in the Math TPC.
Abroad: A sandwich, some yogurt, and a beautiful view of the Swiss scenery (you know.. mountains, hay fields, sunflower fields, trees etc..)
Winner: Abroad

Home = In a room with no windows, air conditioning and 30 glorious TI-Nspire calculators.
Abroad = In a room with windows lining two walls, natural air conditioning and access to Facebook.
Winner: Abroad

Home = Comes in a plastic container and is still tasty despite having fewer calories.
Abroad = Comes in a delightful terracotta container and is the tastiest yogurt ever. (with many many calories)
Winner: Abroad

Hmmmm... I think abroad has it.

Although, despite the above evidence proving the superiority of travel, I was really excited when I got home - mundane and all.

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