Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.
-Mark Twain

Saturday, June 26, 2010

The finger

No... not that finger. The one just on the other side of it but still in the middle. No. not the all important left ring finger in Midwestern, Heartland-of-America culture. It's the one on the right hand. Yes. The ring finger on my right hand.. the unimportant and least valuable finger on my right hand is in a split. I've injured my finger, perplexing my doctor as to how to fix it and making her scratch her head more than I think she'd care to admit, and now it's in a splint.

As I've been typing this I am using my left hand in the proper form on the 'home row' and my pointer and middle finger is doing everything else on the right-hand side of the keyboard. To be honest, my right pointer and middle finger are pretty efficient at the key strokes. Maybe we don't even need 5 fingers. Maybe 3 OR EVEN 4 would suffice for everyday living as the characters of The Simpsons suggest... what... with their daring portrayal of yellow 4-fingered people! This is something to consider. I'm doing just fine with 4 fingers on my right hand... maybe evolution should consider the same.

I'm sooo not serious about this, but I must admit being a nine-fingered woman is much easier than I anticipated. :)